Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stress Management Advisor: Massage Chair Treatments

By James Knolan

It seems that in these modern times that stress is just part of the landscape. We seem to be under more pressure whether at home or a work. The major shift of stress seems to be from physical stress to mental stress. Our fore fathers were in much more under stress from physical dangers. We on the other hand, seem to be under much more mental stress. We react to both mental or physical stress in much the same way: the fight or flight reaction. Our source of stress has certainly changed, but not our reaction to it.

When we come under stress our bodies prepare us for action in the following ways: Adrenaline is released to boost the energy and strength of the body. This increases our heart rate and breathing. Our major organs will direct their efforts to only those that immediately serve supporting physical action. This adrenaline rush causes us to feel tension and perhaps nervous as we anticipate taking some type of action. There is a great release of chemicals and a redirection of bodily activity to support our reaction to stress.

Stress comes from so many different situations, that we are not able to eliminate its causes. Rather we need effective stress management techniques. Professional athletes are able to redirect the build up of stress into ways to enhance their performance. This is a very positive way to deal with the build up of stress. The only downside for most of us, is where professional athletes have a physical release of the stress from their bodies with physical exertion, but we may not.

Effective stress management requires a physical outlet to release the chemicals that the body is releasing when under stress. Physical exertion is one of the best methods, since that is what the body is primed to do. Another excellent method to release stress is massage therapy. There are many benefits with massage therapy. It is great to loosen up tight muscles and relieve tension. It can relax the organs in the body activated by the stress reaction. It will release toxins that are in our muscles and help to flush them out of our system. And best of all it helps us relax our mind and bring harmony back to the body.

Massage chair recliners have many effective massage therapies with proven beneficial effects. Massage chairs come equipped with Shiatsu massage, Swedish massage, Deep Tissue and many others. Each of these massage treatments target specific areas and have different benefits. In general, they all help induce relaxation and help to ease aches and pains. Massage helps to remove toxins from the body and enhances circulation of the blood and lymph. Both the blood and lymph clean the body of toxins and other potentially harmful substances.

Stress comes from our environment and is subject to our interpretation and built up set of reactions. These cannot be eliminated entirely. Massage therapy is an essential tool in our stress management toolbox. Massage chairs are one of the most convenient and effective ways to receive massage therapy. These recliners have full body capabilities and have many additional features beyond massage. Many have stretching, music therapy and heat. These additional features compliment the massage and help to induce total body relaxation.

Imagine the convenience of having your own massage chair recliner at home. You start to come under stress situations. You can just sit down and let the massage chair work you over. Your body starts to feel better and your mind starts to clear. You now are in a better frame of mind to come up with better ways to overcome the problems at hand. You now have a powerful stress management tool, your massage chair recliner at your disposal.

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