Saturday, October 25, 2008

Discovering Anti-Wrinkle Creams

By Julie Samtsonn

Of course we cannot deny our age. But this is no excuse to simply give up on ourselves and let our skin make us look old.

These days, we don't have to suffer from the dry skin our grandmothers had to put up with. Instead, the market contains many anti-wrinkle creams that can help us have smooth, supple skin well into what used to be called "old age."

Let us think about the reasons your skin starts to age before reflecting on the factors that make anti-wrinkle cream work. As we advance in years our skin begins to reflect our age. We begin to experience wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots. Of course there can be many reasons for this. Prolonged exposure to the sun, smoking, heavy drinking, and even genetics can play their part in skin aging. Your skin gradually undergoes changes as you age. You will find that collagen will decrease and there is often an increase in "free radicals" which will deteriorate your skin.

Wrinkles will be present as we age, no matter what we do but an effective anti-wrinkle cream can help to slow down and sometimes reverse the effects of skin aging. Of course you will have to consider your lifestyle as well. Try to eat properly, hydrate yourself and take proper exercise. Try to get enough sleep and avid smoking and heavy drinking. All of these factors will affect your skin's health.

There is a glut of anti-wrinkle creams and anti-aging potions on the market but it is good to know that the best ones will have ingredients like the following in them:

One of these ingredients is called retinol. It is a very effective part of anti-wrinkle cream. As well as being derived from vitamin A it is also a powerful antitoxidant. It will also help the skin to rejuvenate itself. It is a fact that a 20 year old will experience complete outer skin replacement in 28 days, however a 40 year old person will take twice as long. This means that as we age we will need to quicken up the process of skin rejuvenation. Retinol does this by dissolving the old skin layer and allowing the new skin to come.

Acids like Alpha hydroxy acids and poly hydroxy acids are natural acids from fruits. They remove your skin's outer layer and are called exfoliates. This will allow the new facial skin to emerge. These acids give minor injury to the face, which will also encourage new skin growth. Because of these actions your skin will become very sensitive, especially to sunlight. It is important to remember to use sunscreen when exposing your face to the sun's rays.

Coenzyme Q 10 is another antioxidant that's many times more potent than traditional antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals. This is beneficial to skin because free radicals contribute to aging. Some studies suggest that it may also help stimulate collagen growth.

Kinetin is another new ingredient that is still being studied. It seems to help skin retain moisture and encourages collagen growth.

Keep in mind as well that when you're looking for the most effective anti-wrinkle cream possible, don't look at price tag. Price really has very little to do with how effective an antiwrinkle cream is. Instead, do your own research, look for reviews of products online, and choose based upon what others say about a particular cream's effectiveness. This will not only save you some money, but will give you an effective antiwrinkle cream you can be happy with.

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