Thursday, October 30, 2008

2 Strong Reasons to Stop Smoking

By John K Lam

Smokers often say that it is very difficult to quit smoking. In order to quit smoking, you need to start with a desire to quit. Whilst there are some who tried but failed, there are also those who have no intention to quit.

Better Health

It is a well-known fact that smoking is very dangerous to your heath. Despite cancer, smokers are much suppler to all kind of health problems such as chronic respiratory diseases, heart disorders and stomach problems. On the top if all this, smokers look older than they actually are, their skin has an unhealthy grayish look, their hair and nails are weak.

To avoid your organs being damaged, you should quit smoking. As the smoke from the cigarette passes over them on the way toward the lungs, your teeth may become yellowish. The harmful ingredients in the smoke inhaled by a smoker can also damage the gum that hold the teeth.

Save Money

Calculate the cost to a person that smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. Smoking could cost this person fifteen hundred dollars or more a year for this habit that also ruins the health of the smoker. The heavy cost of cigarettes is why everyone should quit smoking.

Beside spending on buying cigarettes, there is another cost for smokers. They have to spend on their appearance as smoking had damage their skin, teeth and other parts of body. That is why expense of smoking is another major reason.

Most of the somkers fail to get the best way to stop smoking as they actually do not want to quit in their mind. It will be a difficult task to find a good reason, however people who have a stronger character will manage to discover easier. With a strong reason, you can quit smoking by using stop smoking herbs methods.

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