Thursday, October 30, 2008

2 Strong Reasons to Stop Smoking

By John K Lam

Smokers often say that it is very difficult to quit smoking. In order to quit smoking, you need to start with a desire to quit. Whilst there are some who tried but failed, there are also those who have no intention to quit.

Better Health

It is a well-known fact that smoking is very dangerous to your heath. Despite cancer, smokers are much suppler to all kind of health problems such as chronic respiratory diseases, heart disorders and stomach problems. On the top if all this, smokers look older than they actually are, their skin has an unhealthy grayish look, their hair and nails are weak.

To avoid your organs being damaged, you should quit smoking. As the smoke from the cigarette passes over them on the way toward the lungs, your teeth may become yellowish. The harmful ingredients in the smoke inhaled by a smoker can also damage the gum that hold the teeth.

Save Money

Calculate the cost to a person that smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. Smoking could cost this person fifteen hundred dollars or more a year for this habit that also ruins the health of the smoker. The heavy cost of cigarettes is why everyone should quit smoking.

Beside spending on buying cigarettes, there is another cost for smokers. They have to spend on their appearance as smoking had damage their skin, teeth and other parts of body. That is why expense of smoking is another major reason.

Most of the somkers fail to get the best way to stop smoking as they actually do not want to quit in their mind. It will be a difficult task to find a good reason, however people who have a stronger character will manage to discover easier. With a strong reason, you can quit smoking by using stop smoking herbs methods.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stress Management Advisor: Massage Chair Treatments

By James Knolan

It seems that in these modern times that stress is just part of the landscape. We seem to be under more pressure whether at home or a work. The major shift of stress seems to be from physical stress to mental stress. Our fore fathers were in much more under stress from physical dangers. We on the other hand, seem to be under much more mental stress. We react to both mental or physical stress in much the same way: the fight or flight reaction. Our source of stress has certainly changed, but not our reaction to it.

When we come under stress our bodies prepare us for action in the following ways: Adrenaline is released to boost the energy and strength of the body. This increases our heart rate and breathing. Our major organs will direct their efforts to only those that immediately serve supporting physical action. This adrenaline rush causes us to feel tension and perhaps nervous as we anticipate taking some type of action. There is a great release of chemicals and a redirection of bodily activity to support our reaction to stress.

Stress comes from so many different situations, that we are not able to eliminate its causes. Rather we need effective stress management techniques. Professional athletes are able to redirect the build up of stress into ways to enhance their performance. This is a very positive way to deal with the build up of stress. The only downside for most of us, is where professional athletes have a physical release of the stress from their bodies with physical exertion, but we may not.

Effective stress management requires a physical outlet to release the chemicals that the body is releasing when under stress. Physical exertion is one of the best methods, since that is what the body is primed to do. Another excellent method to release stress is massage therapy. There are many benefits with massage therapy. It is great to loosen up tight muscles and relieve tension. It can relax the organs in the body activated by the stress reaction. It will release toxins that are in our muscles and help to flush them out of our system. And best of all it helps us relax our mind and bring harmony back to the body.

Massage chair recliners have many effective massage therapies with proven beneficial effects. Massage chairs come equipped with Shiatsu massage, Swedish massage, Deep Tissue and many others. Each of these massage treatments target specific areas and have different benefits. In general, they all help induce relaxation and help to ease aches and pains. Massage helps to remove toxins from the body and enhances circulation of the blood and lymph. Both the blood and lymph clean the body of toxins and other potentially harmful substances.

Stress comes from our environment and is subject to our interpretation and built up set of reactions. These cannot be eliminated entirely. Massage therapy is an essential tool in our stress management toolbox. Massage chairs are one of the most convenient and effective ways to receive massage therapy. These recliners have full body capabilities and have many additional features beyond massage. Many have stretching, music therapy and heat. These additional features compliment the massage and help to induce total body relaxation.

Imagine the convenience of having your own massage chair recliner at home. You start to come under stress situations. You can just sit down and let the massage chair work you over. Your body starts to feel better and your mind starts to clear. You now are in a better frame of mind to come up with better ways to overcome the problems at hand. You now have a powerful stress management tool, your massage chair recliner at your disposal.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Discovering Anti-Wrinkle Creams

By Julie Samtsonn

Of course we cannot deny our age. But this is no excuse to simply give up on ourselves and let our skin make us look old.

These days, we don't have to suffer from the dry skin our grandmothers had to put up with. Instead, the market contains many anti-wrinkle creams that can help us have smooth, supple skin well into what used to be called "old age."

Let us think about the reasons your skin starts to age before reflecting on the factors that make anti-wrinkle cream work. As we advance in years our skin begins to reflect our age. We begin to experience wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots. Of course there can be many reasons for this. Prolonged exposure to the sun, smoking, heavy drinking, and even genetics can play their part in skin aging. Your skin gradually undergoes changes as you age. You will find that collagen will decrease and there is often an increase in "free radicals" which will deteriorate your skin.

Wrinkles will be present as we age, no matter what we do but an effective anti-wrinkle cream can help to slow down and sometimes reverse the effects of skin aging. Of course you will have to consider your lifestyle as well. Try to eat properly, hydrate yourself and take proper exercise. Try to get enough sleep and avid smoking and heavy drinking. All of these factors will affect your skin's health.

There is a glut of anti-wrinkle creams and anti-aging potions on the market but it is good to know that the best ones will have ingredients like the following in them:

One of these ingredients is called retinol. It is a very effective part of anti-wrinkle cream. As well as being derived from vitamin A it is also a powerful antitoxidant. It will also help the skin to rejuvenate itself. It is a fact that a 20 year old will experience complete outer skin replacement in 28 days, however a 40 year old person will take twice as long. This means that as we age we will need to quicken up the process of skin rejuvenation. Retinol does this by dissolving the old skin layer and allowing the new skin to come.

Acids like Alpha hydroxy acids and poly hydroxy acids are natural acids from fruits. They remove your skin's outer layer and are called exfoliates. This will allow the new facial skin to emerge. These acids give minor injury to the face, which will also encourage new skin growth. Because of these actions your skin will become very sensitive, especially to sunlight. It is important to remember to use sunscreen when exposing your face to the sun's rays.

Coenzyme Q 10 is another antioxidant that's many times more potent than traditional antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals. This is beneficial to skin because free radicals contribute to aging. Some studies suggest that it may also help stimulate collagen growth.

Kinetin is another new ingredient that is still being studied. It seems to help skin retain moisture and encourages collagen growth.

Keep in mind as well that when you're looking for the most effective anti-wrinkle cream possible, don't look at price tag. Price really has very little to do with how effective an antiwrinkle cream is. Instead, do your own research, look for reviews of products online, and choose based upon what others say about a particular cream's effectiveness. This will not only save you some money, but will give you an effective antiwrinkle cream you can be happy with.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Signs Of Yeast Infection In The Mouth

By Rebecca Wincup

There are many reasons why yeast infections can develop in the mouth. Basically it can be one of three things that lead to an infection. These are fungi, bacteria or disease. Candida albicans, a fungus, is one of the likely reasons for oral yeast infections. While yeast infections in babies' mouths are most often referred to as thrush, these infections are called Candidiasis or moniliasis when they occur in the mouths or throats of adults.

It is called a yeast infection but a more accurate description is an outbreak of the Candida fungi. While Candida is a natural part of the flora of our bodies, in the digestive tract and in women's vaginas, sometimes Candida gets out of balance in the body and grows quickly. This fungus can also live and reproduce inside the mouth and throat and cause a feeling of burning and pain because of the toxins it produces.

An oral yeast infection can be triggered by a variety of factors. Antibiotics can do it, for instance. Other long-term drug treatments, such as chemotherapy, can also increase vulnerability to yeast infections by making the body a more fertile environment for Candida to grow in. The drugs weaken the immune system by killing off many of the so called good bacteria that keep fungi like Candida in check. Thus a course of drug treatments can increase the chance of yeast infection occurring.

Conditions that affect the immune system, such as diabetes, malnutrition and drug abuse, trigger changes that increase the likelihood of Candida growth. Yeast infections in the mouth are more common in young children and the elderly. The immune systems of babies and seniors are not strong enough to fend off small changes.

People with poorly fitting dentures are prime candidates for developing a yeast infection in the mouth. The mouth's mucous membranes are more likely to be damaged due to dentures that do not fit properly. These damaged areas may provide the gateway for Candida fungi to take hold and cause a problem.

A common symptom of oral yeast infection is a white or cream colored discharge and occasionally yellow spots within the mouth. This is often a precursor to painful stinging or burning inside the mouth and throat and can be a source of distress for children and adults.

In treating the infection, the problem's origin must be first addressed. For instance, if dentures are the trigger for the infection then you have to replace them. With this completed you can then deal with treating the problem. In most cases this involves taking antifungal medications to reduce or remove the fungi from the mouth and throat. Mostly, antifungal drugs for treating yeast infection in the mouth are in the form of pastilles. By sucking on them, the anti fungal medicine is delivered directly to the infection.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Get Sexy Fast With No Nonsense Muscle Building

By Westy

No Nonsense Muscle Building will help you to turn your skinny body into a sexy well muscled body in no time at all. The principles that are shown in this program by Vince Delmonte, will work toward helping you reach your goals if you follow the guidelines exactly. There will be no question in your mind about where Vince stands on excuses. From the very first page you will find out that the only obstacle that has prevented you from having the body that you want is you.

The program places the focus on the hard work that you will have to do and eliminates the negativity that may have stopped you in the past. If you follow the program exactly as it is presented, you will gain the results that are promised. There are many things that are included in this program that you will not find anywhere else and that makes this a worthwhile program to start with. You will find a focus placed on your flexibility and your endurance that is not often found in other programs.

The main focus of the program is to add muscle onto your thin body. To do this you will have to follow the principles and read everything that is contained in the pages of the book. You will find that you are out of excuses with Vince and he believes that you have the power to change your body if you take the time to use these guidelines. Freeing yourself from the negativity that is keeping you from gaining the mass that you want, will help you to use this program completely.

When you have a goal to gain a lot of mass then you will have to make sure that you follow the methods and principles that are outlined in this program. There are explanations for all of the principles that will show you exactly why you are performing the exercises in the manner that you are. You will find this program to be very clearly written and all of the terminology and principles explained so that you will understand them fully.

There is a lot of emphasis placed on the importance of recovery and hormones. Two full chapters are dedicated to these important factors. You will understand why you should rest your body when you are bodybuilding. The reason that you will be able to gain mass is because of the hormones in your body. When you follow a diet and workout that is designed to increase these hormones in your body, you will gain the positive results. The program is not easy and Vince is a tough bodybuilding trainer. You will receive what is promised if you stick with the program.

Things might seem to be a bit complicated during the earlier days, but a couple of days and reads and you will be comfortable. Vince allows an access to the member's area for the 52-week workout plan. A calendar has been installed for your convenience; you can tick the date and the workout schedule, fulfill the descriptions of the exercise in the form of an animation and have proper guidelines for carrying out those exercises.

This helps you to set your goals and have a clear understanding of what you are supposed to be doing. The program will require you to use a three week gym session that gives you full body workouts that are extremely intense. The program can be personalized to help you determine where you need improvement and how you can work the program to your benefit. All of the issues that you might have with the program are dealt with and an individual program that works for you will be determined.

Flexibility training (stretching done to increase your body's flexibility from the very first day), lessening muscle imbalances (maintaining an even balance between the strong and the weak parts of your body) and specialty workouts are a part of Vince is training section. You start with the weight training and proceed towards some of the modern techniques of maintaining your body.

Vince actually aims to teach you the genuine methods of enhancing your body, he emphasizes on listening to what your body demands, apply your intuition powers and guide the training sessions. A trainer needs to be aware of the how, why and what of affect of various stimuli on our body, this will lead to a significant change in the physique.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Acne Scar Chemical Peel - Using At Home Acne Scar Peels

By Eileen Childs

One of the ways that you can remove acne scars is through the use of a facial peel. In order to avoid certain dangers, you need to make sure you pick one that safe. Many people are finding that they can enjoy the benefits of an acne scar peel in the comforts of their own home.

Acne can often leave unwanted holes, marks or scars on the skin. The good news is, mild acne scars will often go away on their own. This happens when the skin sloughs off old dead skin cells, leaving new skin cells below. If your scars are not very deep, the skin will heal itself through this process over time. Unfortunately this is not the case with moderate or severe scars. Because they are deeper, they usually do not have the ability to go away on their own.

Facial peels work through the use of chemicals applied to the skin that burn off the top layers of skin, exposing new layers underneath. Common types of chemical peels include phenolic peels and glycolic acid peels.

Chemical peels been shown to work well in removing acne marks and scars. You can apply a facial peel at home or it can be done by a doctor. Doctors can apply stronger peels than the ones that are for home use, but stronger peels may mean a hospital stay, longer recovery time and they can cost $2000 to $3000.

The FDA approves certain types of chemical peels for home use. One company that makes a popular home chemical peel is Skin Culture. These peels work by depriving the top layer of skin of oxygen rather than using acid that can burn the skin. This company offers peels in four different strengths depending on your individual needs and costs $100 to $200 dollars.

Obviously cost and the severity of your scars are an important factor when deciding whether you will choose an at home peel or one done by a doctor. Fortunately, you can significantly improve the appearance of your acne scars by using an at home facial peel, even if they do not go away completely.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Flying to the U.S. for a Tubal Reanastomosis

By Sandra Wilson

Maybe you have been wanting to have a tubal reanastomosis done but since you live outside the U.S., you think it is unavailable to you. However you could be surprised to learn differently as you will see in this article.

If you think you would be strange just to fly to another country to have a tubal reanastomosis, it might surprise you to learn that you are not the first to consider such a thing. In fact, women fly from all over the world to have their surgery done within the U.S.

Tubal ligation is a popular form of female sterilization all over the world. And just as it is popular, so too is the regret that some women feel after the surgery. Eventually, a percentage of women will want to have a tubal reversal in order to have another child or to relieve PTLS.

Women who are willing to make that very long trip to the U.S. for a tubal reversal surgery do so for the very same reasons you may pick the doctor you pick. They want to take advantage of the experience, training and education of the best doctor available for a tubal reversal. Having the pregnancy success after tubal rates just helps reinforce this.

Even though one might think that the plane tickets and hotel stay added to the cost would make a tubal reanastomosis too costly, once you begin your research you just might find out differently. It turns out that just like for women within the U.S., even adding those costs to the tubal reversal cost you come out ahead. Add in the experience of the best tubal reversal doctor and it's no contest.

While having an English speaking person as part of your party coming to the U.S. would be of help, no doubt, it is not a road block if you cannot find someone. Medical translators are available to help you and to be sure you understand all the doctor is telling you.

As you have learned by the above, it is not out of consideration for you to come to the U.S. to have a Tubal Reanastomosis done. Neither language or cost are necessarily stoppers to having the surgery. When combined with the fact that the leading tubal reversal doctor is available in the U.S., it only make sense to consider making the trip.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wrinkles Beware - Anti Aging Skin Care Tips

By Ellen Jones

Everyone ages and, as we age, certain things become problems. Some of us lose our hearing or our sight. Most of us begin to slow down and tire out easily. All of us, though, are bound to develop some sort of skin problems.

Wrinkles are an especially big problem as we age. There are many reasons why wrinkles form, but the biggest are too much sun exposure and not enough nourishment or hydration. So, those that spend a lot of time enjoying the sunshine tend to take a penalty for it, as they age.

While some people don't mind wrinkles, many can't stand them. In fact, many people are willing to try any means necessary, sometimes including surgery, to get rid of those pesky wrinkles once and for all. One of the most common things that such people try, long before resorting to surgery, is wrinkle cream. Unfortunately, not every wrinkle cream works for every person.

There is a lot of debate as to how well wrinkle creams work. A lot depends on the individual cream. There are two primary types of wrinkle creams, though. The first, and arguably the best, actually nourishes the skin. It makes the skin healthier and, therefore, gives it a healthier appearance. Healthy skin is strong skin, after all.

Then, there's the second type of wrinkle cream. This anti aging skin care product is really more of a patching product. It's good for a spur of the moment event where a person wants the fast appearance of clear skin. It's designed, much like makeup, to simply cover up a person's wrinkles, not to actually revitalize the skin.

Creams and lotions are not the only anti aging skin care products out there, though. In fact, there are many to choose from including Botox injections. Botox injections can really give the skin a more revitalized look. They do that by stretching the skin and making it look fuller and less droopy.

If everything else fails and you don't mind some expense and risk, you can try cosmetic surgery. The surgery will remove a portion of skin on your face and tighten the rest, making sure that it doesn't sag or droop at all.

So, there are many options out there for wrinkle removal. Anti aging skin care can be a complicated matter. It's important to look at the pros and cons of each wrinkle removal option carefully before you choose one. Some are more temporary than others and some are also more costly, so choose the one that works best for your needs and enjoy a healthier, younger look.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Factors in Finding a Tubal Ligation Reversal Doctor

By Sandra Wilson

When you begin looking around for a tubal ligation reversal doctor, you may have many questions about how you can possibly choose which one is the best. Among several factors you can look at, there is also patient satisfaction. But that is only one, so let's take a look at a few others first.

Perhaps the first thing most women consider is cost. You will find that prices can vary from about $3500 to $30,000 for this operation. However, this is not necessarily a case of you get what you pay for. You will find that the premiere doctors in the world can actually cost less than your local physician. This can be due to several factors. Don't think a less expensive price tag reflects a less experienced surgeon. Usually the opposite is the case.

Next you may want to look into your surgeon's training and experience. Where and under who did he go to school and train? How many surgeries has he done? Don't be afraid to ask for this information from any doctor you are considering. What type of statistics does he provide from his own surgeries?

How about the location where the surgery will be done? Are you going to be in a hospital or a private facility? Is there some type of oversight done into this place or some type of certification done? You will find that sometimes hospitals will be more expensive, even much more expensive, than having the surgery done at a private surgical center.

Look into his staff. Are they polite and respectful? Do they try to answer your questions readily? How long have they worked for him? Can you meet the people who will be involved in your surgery ahead of time, either in person or by reading about them online? Does the surgeon work with the same group of people for all the tubal ligation reversal sugeries he does?

What do other women say about the staff and the care they have received? You can find this out various ways. Does the doctor have a way for you to make a connection with other women like through a message board? Is there any other way to read about patient satisfaction?

Another method of checking on patient satisfaction is to use the available rating websites online. The top one in a search on google for "rate doctor" is Look for your potential doctor by name or search through the categories. By name is probably easier. You want to get the overall gist of the comments. Unless there are very few ratings available, there will not be 100% agreement about any doctor. Just like the rest of us, they can have off days and this might be reflected in some of the comments. But is the overall rating fairly high?

Look at how many comments are posted. Do a lot of people rate this surgeon highly? If there are a lot of comments made, chances are the surgeon is really good or really bad to encourage that many comments and ratings. And don't look at just the number of comments and the overall rating. If you did a search for tubal ligation reversal, be sure any doctors that come up actually have a fair number of comments dealing with that procedure.

Don't forget to search for testimonials on the surgeon's own site. People that are very happy about the outcome will write their doctor and thank him. A smart doctor will post these where you and other potential patients can read them. It's just another place where you can not only see patient satisfaction with the doctor, you can check for other information like pregnancy and success statistics as well.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Weight Loss, Avoid Alcohol or it Will Make You Fail

By Ricardo d Argence

There has been a lot of information over the years about weight loss. New diets here and a new gadget over there. However, there has been little said about the effects of alcohol on weight loss efforts. That is what we will look at here today.

While alcohol is caloric, as are virtually all foods and beverages, it differs in important ways from other substances. The first problem is that the calories that you get from alcohol are worthless, and not one calorie from alcohol has any nutritional value.

As with other calories, those from alcohol are converted in the liver in the body. Alcohol calories are kind of like bullies, as they must be burned first, all other calories are patiently stored. And we all know what stored calories are, they are fat.

Adding to the problem is the fact that alcohol provides twice as many calories as carbohydrates and proteins. What this means is alcohol provides seven calories per gram as opposed to carbohydrates, which contain four calories per gram. To put it in even simpler terms when you drink four 12-ounce beers you have consumed 600 calories! It is easy to see how prolonged use of alcohol could pack on the pounds.

One final point regarding the caloric outcome of alcohol is the mixers. Many popular alcoholic drinks are actually a mix of different substances. The preservatives and other chemicals make the calories add up. For example, one long island ice tea has an astounding 740 calories. You could get half of the day's recommended allowances just by drinking one!

An important factor in losing weight is speeding up your metabolism. A definition of metabolism is the cumulative energy resulting from cellular electrical, physical, and biochemical activites and interactions. Or more simply put the rate at which your body processes calories into energy. It has been proven by a study from the New England Journal of Medicine that alcohol slows down the body's metabolism. It states that a person on a 1250 calorie diet, who has ingested 250 calories from alcohol could have reduced their metabolic process by as much as 36%. This indicates your body is handling calories almost forty percent less effectively.

Many people who consume alcohol regularly inform that at first they feel much better. On the other hand, you can suffer from depression if you drink to excess, since alcohol is actually a depressive substance. If you are feeling depressed it will feel a lot harder to diet, actually people are known to eat more as a way of comforting themselves. A vicious cycle if you stop and think about it. Depression can cause lack of motivation as well as making you less likely to want to continue any kind of exercise routine.

For basic health water is essential but it is also needed to build muscle. Muscles need adequate hydration levels in order to work properly; lacking it, they may grow weaker and less efficient. Your body becomes dehydrated when drinking alcohol because of the massive amounts of water used in the kidneys required to remove the toxin from your body.

While a moderate amount of alcohol is good for the system regular drinking and drinking to excess is harmful. Along with all the problems it can cause with weight loss, you have the added medical issues to be concerned with. The bottom line is this if you are overweight and trying to lose it you may be better served by abstaining from the use of alcohol. At least until your weight is under control, if you must drink red wine is considered the safest alternative.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Baby Eczema

By Gary Pearson

Is Baby Eczema a Treatable Condition? Yes, Contact Your Physician, Visit the Internet, Use Moisturizing Creams, and Watch Your Baby's Diet.

It is not surprising that babies have very sensitive skin, having been in the womb for 9 months. Commonly babies develop skin irritations such as rashes and sometimes atopic dermatitis (or infantile eczema) which can be very bothersome for your child. Many children who have eczema as babies will find that it follows them through their childhood.

Baby eczema generally shows up when babies are a few months old. Eczema usually presents itself as dry, red and itchy skin, or small bumps on face and cheeks. Other varieties of eczema may show up on legs, arms, stomach and back as a red and irritated area that can become a sore and open lesion if not treated promptly. And the final type of eczema shows up in baby's arm creases, behind the knees, ankles and wrists.

You can see why baby eczema is so irritating for infants, especially since they are so tiny, unable to speak and tell their parents how they feel. The torment from the baby eczema will likely cause the child to cry and or course the constant crying can be irritating for the parent.

There is good news however regarding baby eczema. First of all there are creams and treatments available for baby eczema so if you suspect your child has this condition you should definitely consult their physician. Secondly, over half of infants who have baby eczema will be totally over it within a few years.

There are other changes you may wish to make to help your child's eczema, like identifying foods and environmental factors that can aggravate their skin. If you wish to find out additional information on your child's eczema, the internet is always right there and ready to help you.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Benefits Of Bodybuilding Revealed-Lose Weight Build Muscle!

By Westy

If you are interested in getting real information about bodybuilding, this ebook is one great source. You will find that other advertisers will tell you that their information is the best out there and what you need to know about bodybuilding. But soon after you get the information in your hands you realize that it is not delivering what it promised. Will's information is truthful and full of the kind of information that will truly help you.

When you take a look at what Will claims about the supplement industry and the truth that the manufacturers don't want you to know, you will stay clear of these supplements. In the section on supplements you will find a discussion about every available supplement on the market and what you can expect when you take them. All of the side effects and effects of the supplements are discussed in detail.

One piece of information that you will receive will show you how the studies that are offered by the supplement manufacturers as proof of their products effectiveness are soon disproved after the product is already on the market. It is this kind of information that will help you make better decisions about these products.

Will shows you what the truth of these marketing companies do to get you to buy their products. The truth is laid bare for all to see. Once you have all of this information you will be able to use this knowledge to make sound decisions about the supplements that you purchase. In the Bodybuilding Revealed video, audio and mp3 format will give you all of the information that you need to find the supplements that will help you with your bodybuilding.

A beginner's guide is included in Will's book that helps you to start the process. He emphasizes on straight forward methods of weight gain. He gives you some starter routines as samples; also you'll get exercise descriptions, tips and videos demonstrating the methods, in the members only area. Brink's Hybrid Training System is an interesting approach to gain weight. These are advanced techniques. Also you will get Charles Polyquin in his book in a section: "Individualization of Mass Gaining Programs."bodybuilding revealed hybrid training program.

Will's book also has some really great information for beginners. When you are just starting out with bodybuilding you will need some good information to help you build muscle in your home. The information that is included will involve gaining weight in the best way and how to use these techniques to help your bodybuilding efforts. There is a special section on the Brink's Hybrid Training that will help bodybuilders gain weight in the best manner. And there is even more information on this important aspect with the information that is contributed by Charles Polyquin.

Charles delivers twenty one principles to gain the mass that is required for bodybuilding. This will also allow you to create the program that will work for your particular body type. After the work is done with Charles, you will move on the Dr. Evan Peck who will give you some more reports for bodybuilding training. It's a great package for those who are serious about their bodybuilding.

Every necessary detail is mentioned in Will's program. He stresses on the beginners who have just started learning the art of bodybuilding. He expects them to follow his guidelines a to z. The main reason for introducing this program has been stated above. Moreover, Will himself and some experts in this field have given essential tips for everyone, specially for beginners.

All of the details are there for you with Will's program. If you are a beginner, you will find that the program stresses the importance of following the guidelines exactly. This program is a must have for beginners in bodybuilding.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Creatine: A Practical Guide By Dr. Franco Obregon Reviewed

By Westy

With such a wide array of supplements available in the market, there's one you can truly rely on - creatine.

The concept and the use of creatine is very widespread in the bodybuilding community, however, there is a lack of information on how and why it works for you. It is important that you understand how to use the supplement in a most effective manner to get the results that can be achieved. There are those who misuse the supplement or underuse it and do not realize the maximum benefits that can be found.

Dr. Alfredo Franco Obregon has presented an analysis of the scientific research behind creatine in the e-book, Creatin:A Practical Guide. He tries to figure out the research behind this product as per science and his own understanding of muscle cells and its related biophysics.

The book is well written and presents the reader with all of the pros and cons of using creatine in their bodybuilding. Dr. Obregon is a scientist and approaches his research in the manner of a scientist. The idea behind the guide is to give readers a practical approach to the use of creatine in their bodybuilding. The information is not intended to be anything more than a realistic and scientific approach to creatine.

At a glance it is quite surprising to see a whole book dedicated to a subject like creatine, we all know about it. We are aware of the effects of this potential supplement and this is quite a common subject found on the web. So, why a book? Well, that's because we are still not aware of the true potential of creatine. There are so many hidden factors and such great use of creatine, of course a proper dosage is responsible for that.

There are 4 different parts of the Cretaine Guide:

I) The first section of the book will be devoted to how and why creatine works in our body

II) The second part studies the optimal supplementation,

III) The third part discusses all of the different creatine products on the market and what their pros and cons are.

IV) The fourth part of the book provides appendices that support the scientific information in the book.

The e-book is extremely well organized with proper summaries of every section and space for questions and answers pertaining to every minute detail which one might have overlooked. Herein you get everything that you might have not heard of or have no knowledge about creatine.

When you are reading the first section of the book, you will learn everything that you need to effectively use creatine in your bodybuilding. This will help you make an informed decision about creatine and how to use it. The information might be a little intimidating and overwhelming, but if you get through it, you will be very knowledgeable about the use of creatine. The language that is used by Dr. Obregon is simple and straightforward and will help you to understand some of the more complex matters that are discussed.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Eat Chocolate And Lose Weight?

By Brian McCoy

It doesn't seem possible that the words chocolate and weight loss could be used in the same sentence. However, with a new product, it just might be possible.

You may have heard about the positive benefits that dark chocolate can have on your body. The idea is becoming more and more widespread. However, the chocolate that you purchase in stores is usually far from healthy. What is the difference? The unhealthy chocolate is full of sugars, fats, and artificial preservatives. This makes the chocolate unhealthy and bad for your overall health.

Traditional chocolate also losses much of its nutritional benefits as it is heated during manufacturing. This causes an 80% loss in antioxidant levels.

There is a company that has come out with an alternative to these unhealthy, poorly manufactured dark chocolates. Xocai is a division of MXI Corp. and is based in Reno, Nevada. They have brought to market an all natural, pure form of cacao that maintains its nutritional value through the manufacturing process. Rather than heat the cacao, it is cold pressed. This allows the dark chocolate to maintain its healthful properties.

The company Xocai has brought to market 6 products. They are the X Powerhouse Cookie, X Power Squares, Omega Bars, Activ, a Protein Bar, and Nuggets. These products are made with unprocessed cacao powder and combined with the acai berry and blueberry for added taste. The products are full of healthful benefits such as flavonoids, antioxidants, high ORAC value, high fiber, and low sugars. They are safe for diabetics as well as vegetarians and vegans.

So just how does any of this have an effect on weight loss? Several studies, including one recent study out of Japan, concluded that consumption of cocoa may fight weight gain. While there are several determining factors in this, a few of them are gene regulation and the potential mood elevating chemicals that cocoa contains. These positive chemicals have the added benefits of possibly helping one to feel more energetic, leading to increased exercise, and ultimately leading to weight loss.

The studies suggest that there are several biochemical processes going on in your body. In addition to that, you are also indulging in a far more healthy, organic chocolate. Let's say that you eat a piece of healthy dark chocolate rather than a 3 Musketeers Bar. What different effects do you think that the 2 would have on your body? The differences are clear. The healthy dark chocolate contains positive benefits such as being low in sugar, fat, and calories. Where it really stands out is the high levels of fiber, antioxidants, ORAC value, and flavonoids. We don't even need to examine how much of a difference this is from the unhealthy 3 Musketeers Bar.

An added benefit is that you don't have to give up taste either. The formulations that Xocai has put together for their line of healthy dark chocolate products has mass taste appeal. People are sharing their positive testimonials as to the fantastic results that they are seeing with the products. Because of this, I feel that it is beneficial for you and your family that you look into how the Xocai healthy chocolate can be good for you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Brief Account of Mexican Food History

By KC Kudra

Americans have long held great affection for Mexican food. Many American cooks enjoy recreating such Mexican recipe favorites as enchiladas, tacos, quesadillas, and other spicy, colorful dishes. Aside from the intrigue of the recipes themselves, however, Mexican food history is just as interesting and fun. Get to know the roots of an American favorite that hails from south of the border.

While it is believed that Mexican food has strong roots in the ancient Mayan culture, it was the Spanish invasion of Mexico in 1521 that most strongly influenced the dishes. The Spanish explorer Cortez and his followers brought with them new types of livestock like pigs, cows, and sheep. They also brought dairy products and various herbs and spices like garlic.

Although Cortez brought new foods to Mexico, Mexico also showed him a thing or two. He encountered a few new food items as well. He was introduced to peanuts, chocolate, vanilla, beans, avocados, coconuts, corn, squash, and tomatoes. It was a great effort of give and take and these foods have all worked together over then centuries to produce wonderful Mexican dishes.

According to Mexican food history, many of the traditional Mexican foods have roots in other cultures as well as the Mexican culture. For instance, quesadillas, a mainstay in Mexico and considered to be authentic Mexican food actually not only have roots in Mexican traditions, but in Spanish as well. The corn tortilla, thought to be quintessential Mexican, is actually native American.

Other staples in Mexican food, lettuce, beef, cheese and pork, are actually Spanish in origin. One standard in every Mexican restaurant and most Mexican dishes, though, the hot sauce made from chili peppers, is indeed Mexican. One interesting Mexican food history fact, though, is that many spices such as cinnamon, black pepper, oregano and coriander, which are generally thought to be Mexican are actually Spanish. While these spices are quite often used in many Mexican dishes, they are not native to Mexico.

Other cultural influences left their mark on Mexican food. The French dabbled in Mexican occupation briefly in the 1860's. This resulted in such popular dishes as chili en nogado, which is a dish of stuffed chilies in a walnut sauce. Such French inspired dishes with a Mexican flair have withstood the test of time and become ingrained in the Mexican culture, ultimately finding their way onto American plates.

While Spain and France have had strong influences in Mexican food history, perhaps one of the most popular has been the influence from the Southwest United States. Texas, to be exact. This interesting style of Mexican food, "Tex-Mex" is served in many restaurants the world over and is considered "Mexican food" although this is not necessarily the case. It is an often spicy, delicious blend of both cultures and has become widely accepted the world over.

When exploring Mexican food history, it is important to keep in mind the many, varied cultures that brought about these popular, delicious dishes. As the various countries and cultures melded to create such culinary delights, popularity has soared the world over. Moreover, it just keeps getting better and better.