Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gynecomastia Drugs and What They Do

By Anthony J. Howell

If you are one of the thousands of men suffering from gynecomastia then you probably want to know if there any gynecomastia drugs on the market to treat the condition. Before I answer that question, let me backtrack a bit. Some of you reading this article may be unfamiliar with the term gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is the medical terminology for enlarged male breasts or chest fat. Extra breast tissue as well as excess fatty cells are usually the causes for enlarged male breasts. I will be discussing gynecomastia drugs in this article.

One very popular way to treat gynecomastia is surgery. During surgery, liposuction as well as breast tissue excision is performed. Most people ask about an alternative to surgery, because surgery is expensive and it is always very painful. Surgery has the potential to cost thousands of dollars and it is not covered by insurance.

So, do gynecomastia drugs exist that can be used instead of surgery?

The answer: No and Yes

I will start by explaining why I answered no first. The initial is answer is no, because there are no drugs on the market today that were developed for the purpose of treating gynecomastia sufferers. On the other hand, there is a drug called tamoxifen that has been used successfully for breast cancer treatment in women. Here is the kicker. Medical researchers found that tamoxifen can also be used to treat gynecomastia. Let me give you a brief overview of tamoxifen. The drug works by limiting the effects of estrogen in the body. The less estrogen in your body is the higher the relative amount of testosterone will be in your body. This will help your gynecomastia. The bad news is that it may be hard to get your doctor to prescribe tamoxifen, since the drug was not developed to cure gynecomastia.

Tamoxifen is a catch 22 unfortunately. It is used to treat breast cancer in women, but it is also a carcinogen which means it can cause breast cancer in men. Tamoxifen works by limiting the effects of estrogen in the body. Since extra estrogen in the body causes gynecomastia, tamoxifen will help it.

Natural supplements can be used as an alternative to surgery and gynecomastia drugs. Fortunately for gynecomastia sufferers, several supplements exist on the market today to treat the condition. Green tea, chromium picolinate and B vitamins are just some of the ingredients contained in these supplements that are known to help gynecomastia. The awesome part about these gynecomastia supplements is that you do not need a prescription.

So there it is. I have provided you with information about gynecomastia drugs in this article. If I were you, I would absorb the information in this article and then take action. If you would like to learn more about other gynecomastia treatment options, please visit the site below.

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