Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm scared! A cardiac stress test? Why?

By Dr. T. Johnson

Your heart turned to stone when the doctor told you he was booking you for a cardiac stress test. Take it easy. It's a piece of cake. I did it, anybody can.

It's normal for you to be scared of something with a terrifying name like cardiac stress test. It's like your first day of school. There is nothing to be afraid of.

I was scared silly when I went into the clinic for my stress test. What had I done to deserve this? Why hadn't my doctor just given me a pill or something? What would I do if there was something wrong with my ticker?

You rarely hear of people suffering heart attacks in their sleep. Cardiac events usually occur when a person is walking, shoveling snow or exerting themselves somehow. Road rage also wreaks havoc on the heart as well as on the mind.

The usual first hints of possible disaster come with your blood pressure. A typical blood pressure reading might be 140/90 or, in words, 140 over 90. The first number is called the systolic reading. It is the pressure in your veins at the heart's maximum exertion. The smaller number is the pressure in your blood system when the heart is at rest between beats.

Your blood pressure has two readings. The first one, called the systollic pressure, is the maximum pressure your heart pumps at. The second, lower number, is the pressure between beats. 140/90 is an average reading for a healthy human being.

Cardiac illness is not just for fat people, smokers or old folks. It is sneaky and can lay you out flat in no time with no warning. Blood pressure of between 90/60 and 140/90 is considered normal and any time yours falls outside that guideline, have yourself checked out right away.

A stress test is ordered when you have high blood pressure or you experience dizziness, chest pains or other symptoms. Maybe he or she has detected unusual sounds coming from your heart. There are all kinds of reasons for a stress test. All of them are good.

Unlike a broken bone, heart problems can hide right near the surface of your life and you could be totally unaware of it. Using the cardiac stress test, kind, well trained technicians put your body through its paces a bit so that any problems will stick out like a sore thumb. Don't worry, they are not going to make you run the Iron Man contest.

The people administering the test are trained to make you feel comfortable. Don't worry, they have seen bodies that are, shall we say, a bit short of perfect before. If you are nervous, tell them so. They are trained to help you with that too.

They will connect you painlessly to some equipment as you walk slowly on a walking machine. They will watch closely how your body reacts to the stress of some mild exercise. Their machines will show exactly what is happening in your body. At the first sign of a problem, the machine is turned off and you are closely monitored to make sure you are okay.

The results of the test will be analyzed. If any problems show up, don't get discouraged. Consider it a gift. There are all kinds of treatments and processes nowadays to help or cure what might have shown up. Smoking raises blood pressure. Your doctor might prescribe help to quit. If stress is a big factor in your life, make sure your doctor points you in the right direction for anxiety treatment.

Consider your cardiac stress test a blessing, whether it finds anything or not. It's one of those "pay me now or pay me later" scenarios. Either way you win. - 17606

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What Can Acupunture Cure?

By Bi Kun tan

Increasingly, patients in the west are becoming familiar with ancient Chinese and Indian medicines, one example of which is acupuncture. Unfortunately, most people seem to think of acupuncture only as a last resort, although the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes it as a primary cure for a variety of complaints.

The WHO or World Health Organization recognizes over 40 medical problems, which acupuncture can successfully cure. One may ask that what can acupuncture treat?. The answer is a long list. Most people think that acupuncture can only cure pains. This is true that it cures pains of all kinds, but also cures other problems. The pains commonly treated by acupuncture are back pain, frozen shoulder TMJ, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigeminal neuralgia, arthritis plantar fasciitis, sciatica, fibromyalgia, shingles pain and migraines.

Digestive problems are another area where acupuncture treatments have proven effective. Irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, and general nausea can all be relieved with acupuncture. Gynecological complaints such as PMS, endometriosis, and menopausal symptoms can be helped with acupuncture treatment.

Those suffering from brain disorders, depression, anxiety, or insomnia can benefit from acupuncture. In fact, properly administered, acupuncture can be used to treat almost any disease. People have begun to realize its many benefits and acupuncture institutes are springing up everywhere to train practitioners.

The answer to aWhat can Acupuncture Treat?a cannot be summed up into a small article as the treatment which acupuncture can offer is endless. One can logon to the internet to find out the various cures which acupuncture offers. It can be used to cure almost all digestive, Neurological Upper Respiratory, Urinary and Reproductive, Immune Function, Musculoskeletal Emotional and Psychological Circulatory Disorders Eye and Ear Disorders and other addictions

In addition to the benefits acupuncture offers those suffering from major illnesses, acupuncture treatment can also help people who have just a small, nagging concern, or those who have no disease at all and are just interested in preventing illness.

A major reason that acupuncture has taken hold in the west is that many people have discovered its benefits for reproductive health. Many people who struggle with impotence, PMS, or infertility have turned to acupuncture for help. Once acupuncture has helped a couple conceive, it can also help a mother-to-be cope with morning sickness!

Hopefully, this article has convinced you of the many, varied, successful applications of acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture may have its roots in ancient Chinese medicine, but it should be apparent that it has an important role to play in our modern world. - 17606

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Advantages of Organic Shampoo

By Amy Nutt

Contemporary consumers are a bit more social conscience than they have been in the past. Whether the gas and energy crisis or the hole in the ozone layer is the catalyst, more and more people are looking for eco friendly products.

Today, unlike the merely functional farm grown products of old, today's green products have to be both environmentally friendly and perform just as well as mainstream products.

There used to be a time when lets say, an organic shampoo may not have produced the same results of regular on-the self varieties found in popular stores. No longer the case, you can use an all natural grooming product and still have luscious, soft and shiny hair!

Locating a shampoo that is truly organic however, is the real challenge.

Defining organic As most of us know, the Food and Drug Administration handles most over the counter merchandise, however, organic skin care items are often overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This makes the rules of engagement a bit different and some companies are taking advantage.

For instance, a manufacturer who uses only two natural ingredients can state that their product is "organic", even if 90 percent of it is synthetically altered by chemicals.

Emerging regulations that safeguard the interests of customers are slowly turning this tide. Until this happens, be sure to do some investigative sleuthing of your own. Read the labels on the back of the organic shampoo-if you are uncertain about a particular ingredient, look it up.

Truly organic shampoo will be free of chemical pesticides that have been shown to be harmful to health. Organic products use all natural pesticides, like citrus and are fertilized with substances lacking irritants.

You can research the maker of any product online or call the company itself and ask about their process.

Dangers of non-organic shampoos and products Most people are blissfully unaware of the fact that common personal grooming items, like shampoos and soaps, are chock full carcinogenic chemicals. While manufacturers promise that these substances occur in small dose that are harmless to human beings, one has to wonder about the long term effects of prolonged use.

The harsh reality is that the any product that is transdermally applied ( i.e. placed on and absorbed by the skin) is more thoroughly ingested than when it is swallowed. This means that deadly synthetic ingredients can wreak havoc on your system far faster by being rubbed into the skin.

This makes it especially crucial to identity any potentially lethal ingredients in your shampoo-or better yet, one should avoid synthetic products at all costs.

Organic Shampoo: Good for the environment and the skin Because organic shampoos have unadulterated natural ingredients like aloe vera, hemp, honey or citrus, they are often very good for the skin. Makers of true eco friendly shampoos have learned how to create excellent products that are preservative free but maintain a shelf life due to creative green engineering.

Once again, this fact is beneficial because it lessens the chance of exposure to compounds that would cause harm to the skin or health.

How to find Organic shampoos

Many health food and holistic goods stores carry natural skin care products, but as more and more consumers scream for environmentally safe goods, manufacturers are creating them and placing them within easy reach of mainstream stores.

Online homeopathic and green living websites also offer organic shampoo at bargain basement prices.

Do your homework and make sure that the product you choose is primarily herbal in makeup and/or organically grown. In this way, you'll be assured that you have a shampoo that performs as promised while protecting your skin and your family's health. - 17606

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Build Muscle Fast With These 4 Tips

By Caleb Lee

Want to have a better looking body? Want to burn more calories even when you're not exercising? Want to reshape your body the easy way?

Whether your goal is to bulk up and get really big or to just get that "ripped" look -- you need to know how to build muscle. It's the easiest way to get the look you want. Here's some tips to build muscle fast.

Building muscle is not that hard (believe it or not). You can easily burn more calories, even when you're not working out, just by following a few tips to help you build muscle fast.

Great Tip #1 - Eat a LOT

When you are working hard to build muscle, if you want to build it up quickly, it's important that you eat a lot, especially if you're trying to get bulky muscle. When you work the muscles, they tear and then repair themselves.

If you want to build muscle fast, then you need to FEED your muscles. You need to give them plenty of food so they can repair and regrow stronger and bigger than before. If you eat good foods then you'll build muscle without gaining much fat.

Tip Number 2 -- Increase Your Rep Volume

Another important way to build up your muscles is to make sure that you do plenty of reps; however, you don't have to go crazy with it. Doing about 10 reps or so for each group of muscles will really help and they'll keep your workouts from being too long as well.

Tip Number 3 -- Eat Lots More High Quality Protein

Protein is very important for the regrowth and repair of your muscles. You have to make sure you give your muscles plenty of protein if you're going to build muscle.

You don't want TOO much protein though -- some people go over board and some people just don't get enough. Here's a good guideline: about 1 gram of protein for each pound of your bodyweight.

Tip Number 4 - Don't do too much cardio

IF you do too much cardio, it's possible you'll hamper your muscle building results. So when you're focusing on putting on quality muscle, lay off the cardio a bit. - 17606

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Lap Band Surgery Qualifications and Considerations

By Amy Nutt

Lap Band surgery may seem like the perfect solution to obesity for those who are struggling to lose weight. After all, a simple, non-invasive surgery could make you feel full with just a few bites of your meal, thus helping you to lose weight. Who wouldn't like that idea? Before you sign up for the surgery, however, you need to know that not everyone who wants the LapBand system is qualified to receive it.

Patient Qualifications

Lap Band and other weight loss surgery options are not available for all patients. In the United States, the National Institutes of Health made regulations that state that weight loss surgery is only an option for people who are clinically obese or are suffering from ill health due to their weight.

Clinically obese people, or people with a body mass index of 40 or greater, qualify for the surgery. Body mass index is found by taking your weight in pounds, multiplying it by 703, and dividing it by the square of your height in inches. It can also be found by dividing your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters.

Patients who have a body mass index that is between 35 and 39 can also qualify for the surgery, but only if they have serious medical conditions as a result of their obesity. Serious medical conditions include diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. The NIH feels that the danger of these conditions makes the risk of surgery worthwhile.

Non-Medical Considerations

Some patients who qualify for the surgery under the basic physical qualifications should not have it done. Lap Band surgery requires a change in the patient's diet once the surgery is complete. Since the patient will not be consuming as much food as before the surgery due to the smaller stomach created by the procedure, the nutrients in the food that is eaten must be carefully considered. Patients who eat junk food after surgery can suffer from deficiencies in certain essential vitamins and other nutrients.

Also, the small pouch created by the Lap Band system can stretch, because it is still part of the stomach. Patients who continue to overeat after the surgery in spite of the increased feeling of fullness will not lose weight. They will simply have wasted their money on the surgery, because they will not get the results they want.

Those who are good candidates for Lap Band surgery are those who are ready to make a commitment to change their lifestyles afterwards. Those who have tried to diet and follow a workout routine without successfully losing weight are good candidates. They have already shown that they can make the changes necessary to lose weight. They simply need the extra help that weight loss surgery can provide.

Why Choose Lap Band

If you are a candidate for weight loss surgery and have decided that the potential lap band risks and high cost are worth it in return for finally being able to lose the weight, LapBand is an excellent choice. This surgery will help you to feel full on far less food. It is an adjustable surgery, which means that your doctor will be able to make simple changes to adjust for too rapid or to slow of weight loss results.

Before choosing Lap Band surgery, be sure that you discuss the potential benefits and risks with your physician. Make sure you understand what will be required of you after the surgery. If you still feel like LapBand will give you the help you need to get back to a healthy weight, then schedule the surgery. If you meet the qualifications, you will find that Lap Band is an excellent alternative to gastric bypass or other weight loss surgeries. - 17606

About the Author:

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Eat and Lose Body Fat, Nutritional Facts About Fat

By Ricardo d Argence

Today, we are constantly bombarded with offers selling the latest fat loss plan or gadget. From medications and drink concoctions to tiny magnetic devices, each targeting the same thing: body fat. Sounds good, right? Getting rid of fat from our bodies either by burning it off through physical activity or taking it our fo our diets. The body actually needs fat for its processes and requires fat consumption in order to remain healthy. Yes, you heard correctly.

While we are all trying desperately to lose excessive amounts of weight it is important that we understand that a small amount of fat is actually good for us. Fat cells help regulate hormones, provide energy stores, and cushion our internal organs.The problem then is not in the presence of fat but the amount. When we cross, the three percent threshold is when a necessary part of the body becomes dangerous.

When you eat there are two types of fat that you will consume. You can choose to either eat good fats or bad ones. Polyunsatured and mono-unsaturated rank among the good fats, while saturated and trans fats are harmful to the body. The latter we need to avoid while the former is an essential part of a balanced diet. The body is unable to manufacture its things like omega 3 fatty acids are essential to the human body however. Therefore, we must get it from our diet.

You should be familiar with the kinds of fat contained in different foods in order to get the good fats your body needs. Examples of good fat foods are nuts, avocados, sunflower seeds and fish oil.

In deep fat fried foods and heavily preserved foods will be contained the kind of fat you should avoid. When we eat high levels of saturated or tran's fats we can run into health problems in a hurry a short list of examples would lood something like eggs, cheese, french fries and potato chips.

Tran's fats are really harmful for your body as they decrease the good cholestrol besides increasing bad cholestrol in your body.

Therefore, in addition to adding pounds around your midsection, you realize that fat storage may adversely impact your health. Besides the risk of high cholesterol, you are risking developing diabetes, stroke or heart attack. Exercise more and you will lower you risk of these and other health problems,the short answer is cut back on the bad fats.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

How to Find Tubal Reversal Doctors

By Sandra Wilson

Your first chore once you have decided to untie your tubes is to find tubal reversal doctors. Following are some tips on how you can go about doing this.

1. The old way to find the surgeon to help you with reversing your tied tubes is to simply ask your primary care physician for a referral. He should know about some of the doctors in your town that do this procedure. The question becomes, however, is the doctor you are referred to the best one for you and can you afford it.

2. Now, let's move online with our search. Pick the browser of your choice and do a simple search on what you are looking for. In this case, your search would be "tubal reversal doctors". You might want to add your town and state to that search.

3. A refinement of the search technique above is to go to Google Maps and do a search again adding the state and/or city at the end of the words. This will give you a list and the locations of the doctors on a map. However, you will have to be sure all of those medical centers listed actually do the reversal surgeries.

4. Now use that search engine that is your favorite to locate different message boards that might discuss tubal reversals. This will allow you to talk to other women who are trying to find doctors or who have already had the surgery. Depending upon the quality of the forum, you will get a lot of good information this way.

5. Our last tip is to search out doctor rating websites. On some of these, you can see what different patients have thought of the various tubal reversal doctors. Other types of doctors are on these sites,too.

Hopefully, the above tips will help you come up with a list of a fewtubal reversal doctors that you can then check out against the other factors you should consider. Look for these factors in other articles by this author and other helpful sites.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Chaos of Life And Hair Loss Connection

By Elaine Petin

Is there a kinship between tension and hair loss? The effects of tension on the human body are severe, and the relationship between stress and hair loss is something that stands extra inquiry.

Experts concur that some tension in our lifetime is significant. Without tension, no one would get out of bed, no one would go to work and no one would carry out familial and social duties. Unfortunately, too little tension is a problem that few individuals have. Most people have more than sufficient stress in their lives, and they want to reduce the chance of enduring wellness troubles because of the stress in their casual lives. Problems like obesity and hair loss happen when tension gets out of control.

On That Point there is no uncertainty that stress prompts a number of circumstances connected to health. Hypertension, increased blood pressure, bronchial asthma, diabetes, obesity and hair loss are all tension linked health conditions.

Making strides now to relieve the tension in your daily lifetime will help ease the negative effects of stressful physical conditions. Try to add one or more of these tension respite techniques to your life.

Enveloping yourself with subtly scented tapers and herbal fragrances will relieve your stress level and raise your opposition level. Different scents have unique purposes. The smell of lavender symbolizes equilibrium, while the scent of citrus fruit is virtually guaranteed to yield vitality.

Doing thirty or more minutes of aerobic physical exercise four times per week or more will do a extraordinary deal to alleviate tension levels. There is something about working out at levels that make you sweat and raise your pulse rate that is good for your total cardiovascular system, including your stress levels.

Assure to handle your opinions, either through meditation, mental imagery or some other mind-over-matter methodology. Some individuals, when faced with negative thought processes, actually make an appointment to worry about something. By scheduling the concern into a time slot, and admitting that concern can be positive if it is utilized to analyze a problem and plan a solution to it, these individuals find that their troubles are more manageable.

Hair loss and tension both have a essential impact on the way most individuals act and feel throughout the day. Whether you concentrate on aromatherapy, add yoga to your daily routine or set aside time for meditation before you commence your day, easing your stress will assist you keep more of your hair.

Monday, November 24, 2008

White tea - Three times more effective than green tea

By Jack Robbins

White and green tea, both come from China and are plucked from the same Camilla sinensis tree that is ever prominent there. Whilst green tea has been enjoying fame over the past decade, a new revolution in weight loss is beckoning for the new kid on the block, White tea.

Both teas are different due to the time that their leaf is plucked from the plant. White tea leaf is plucked when the plant is only a small bud, while the green tea leaf is plucked at a much later time after the bud has grown into an almost full leaf. This leads to a difference in the taste and color of both of them.

White tea has recently been seen to show amazing characteristics particularly with regard to weight loss and anti aging. It surpasses some of the benefits of green tea almost three times in effectiveness.

White tea has remarkably shown to have much higher levels of radical fighting antioxidants than green tea. These are responsible for increasing metabolism rate, which in turn lets you lose weight while not doing any exercise at all.

White tea has a delightful and sweet taste in contrast to green tea's rather bland taste. This is one of the main reasons it can a great aid to weight loss enthusiasts as they will find it easier and fun to drink white tea and follow the correct diet. White tea was historically treated as a delicacy by Chinese people who reserved the wonderfully tasting brew only for the upper class people.

White tea contains much less caffeine than green tea, making it an instant healthy drink. It also does away with any caffeine side effects you fear you might have while drinking tea.

White tea has been seen to be more effective against cancer as compared to green tea. This is again due to the higher concentration of antioxidants present in it which can inhibit cancer cells and prevent formation of new ones.

Green tea has had its days, watch out for a new form of tea taking over the herbal tea arena by storm.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Neurologists and Treatment of neurological Disorders at Emory

By Jonas White

In general, Neurology is a medical specialty dealing with disorders of the nervous system; specifically affecting the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), the peripheral nervous system, or the autonomic nervous system. These systems lead Neurologists to treat a vast span of conditions ranging from Movement disorders like Parkinson's to more psychological disorders like Alzheimer's.

The Emory Neurology Surgery team is among the nation's leading departments for neurosurgical patient care, teaching, and research, and they deal with conditions affecting the brain, spine, and nerves. Emory has the only neurocritical care unit for critically ill patients with cerebrovascular disorders. In addition, Emory is among the regional leaders regarding the number of brain aneurysms and vascular malformations of the brain and spinal cord it treats yearly.

Emory has a Movement Disorder clinic that helps those who suffer from debilitating Movement Disorders like Parkinsons, and also work with those who suffer from dystonia, essential tremor, Huntington's Disease, and Tourette's syndrome. The center provides comprehensive services ranging from diagnosis to rehabilitation. Movement disorders are treated by neurosurgeons because they are caused by problems in the brain that interfere with a person's ability to move; causing either too much movement or too little movement.

One of the most well known movement disorders results from Parkinson's Disease. The Emory Movement Disorder clinic helps those who suffer from this debilitating disease but also work with those who suffer from dystonia, essential tremor, Huntington's Disease, and Tourette's syndrome. The center provides comprehensive services ranging from diagnosis to rehabilitation.

In addition to the Movement Disorders Clinic, Emory also has The Alzheimer's Disease Center and Cognitive Behavioral Neurology program which offers top of the line treatment and comprehensive education, evaluation, diagnosis, and support for patients with dementia and their families. Dementia caused by Alzheimer's can result in lasting confusion or cognitive impairment.

Symptoms usually include at least one or more of the following: memory loss; difficulty with skilled motor tasks; impaired judgment and reasoning; loss of motivation, planning ability and organizational skills; problems with calculations and behavioral problems, including paranoia, and agitation. Emory recognizes how complex these diseases are and provides a multi-disciplinary team of physicians, neuropsychologists, nurses, counselors, and psychometricians provides outpatient consultations and evaluations include clinical examination and cognitive screening assessment.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Easy ways to lose weight

By Victoria Gates

Are there any easy ways to lose weight? It's common knowledge that diet, lowering caloric intake, and exercise, increasing calories burned, combine into a formula for losing weight.

But the hard part is sticking to a low calorie, and often bland, diet. It won't be effortless, but with a little work it sure is easier. Here are some tips to make it easier.

Carry a notebook to jot down everything that passes your lips. Writing down everything you eat and drink, even water, will help you eat less. Studies show that people eat 15% less when they track everything they eat. 15% is a lot.

The average American consumes an additional 245 calories per day just from drinks. Make the switch to zero calorie water. 245 calories a day is nearly 90,000 calories each year. That's 25 lbs.

Are soda and juice really that good? Another fact is that despite their calories, drinks like soda and juice don't trigger a feeling of fullness the way foods do.

Eat five or six smaller meals a day instead of three large meals a day. Studies show that eating in smaller portions more often results in eating 30% fewer calories. You're also less likely to binge because the body won't produce as much insulin which leads to hunger.

Make sure your wardrobe only includes the "skinny" clothes. If you don't have clothes that are comfortable when you're fat, you're more likely to be reminded to keep the weight off every time you dress. And if you have to purchase a whole new wardrobe you're less likely to gain weight.

Switch to smaller plates. It's been proven that people eat more when more food is available, and they eat less when less food is available. Use the salad plates instead of dinner plates.

Try serving meals on the plate, restaurant style, rather than in bowls and on trays. Again, people tend to eat what's in front of them.

Avoid white foods such as white bread, sugar, and white rice. Those foods are loaded with carbohydrates which lead to higher blood sugar and weight gain. Do eat whole grain breads and brown rice. Don't worry about the sugar, pretty soon you won't miss it.

Weight loss isn't easy, but relatively speaking there are easy ways to lose weight. Don't be intimidated if it's only easier instead of really easy. If weight loss were easy, everyone would be a supermodel.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Secret About Chest Muscle Building - Bench Press

By Westy

The number one concern of those who are bench pressing is the amount that they can bench. When the Muscle Building Program is used you will be able to increase this number in ten short weeks. The program will let you acquire a fifty pound increase in your bench in the ten weeks of the program.

You might be wondering if it is even possible to gain an increase like this in such a short period of time, but you can. You will have to pay attention to the guidelines that are presented in the program. When you use a program that will offer you the kind of results like this, you will have to do it in the correct manner and focus on the results that you are trying to achieve. The program emphasizes the recovery period that your body will need after such an intensive workout.

It might seem like a fifty pound increase is an impossible goal, but if you pay attention to the program and follow the guidelines you will reach this goal. Some can bench four hundred and fifty pounds and can show you all of the tips and techniques for increasing the amount of your bench. There is some vital information that is necessary to reach this goal and you will receive it all when you use the Critical Bench program. There are a number of muscles involved in a good bench and you will learn what is needed to get the kind of results that you want. It is important that you condition these muscles to get the results that you want.

The program is an overall guide to bench pressing tips and includes every minor technique. You will learn how to position yourself, how to grip the bar, stretching, breathing and many other important factors that will keep you posted. He also devotes time to the mind games played while you are beneath a bench, he pays attention towards one's mindset, which is an added element.

We encourage a positive outlook and encourages has readers to follow the path. He says you should train your mind to follow the positive aspects so that you never fail. If you set a goal wholeheartedly, you'll achieve it. He has also listed a few meal plans and diet supplements for your help. The recommendations are quite good.

You can expect an overnight improvement with the help of these tips and techniques. People who are inexperienced have the tendency of overdoing these trainings. It doesn't help really. I know its good to maintain a routine, but anything done rigorously is of no help, trainings should be methodical.

Look for the most intelligent approach to your workout routine. The program includes five days of training along with two days rest in between. Your bench will only be done on the first day of the workout, and the remaining days are used to concentrate on your weaker areas. This will help you to determine what is holding you back from your most impressive bench. Make sure that you don't over train when you are doing this program.

Monday, November 17, 2008

What Causes Belly Fat and How to Get Rid Of It

By Ricardo d Argence

You're not the only having difficulty losing those extra pounds and belly fat. A lot of people are experiencing the same thing. One indicator of vibrant health is a firm, flat stomach region.

When looking to shed belly fat there are no miracles but there are some blasting tips for loosing those stubborn inches. Before beginning, it is vital that you are aware of the causes so that you are not left to guess and speculate about why you have suffered with belly fat.

Most of us would think that alcohol is the main cause of having belly fats due to the fact that alcoholics have big bellies. For one reason, it is, since it lowers down the body's metabolism. But alcohol is not the only culprit for belly fats, in fact, the true contributor is the amount of calories that you take in each day. Extra calories will just end up being stored in your belly as fats.

Other factors are stress and lack of exercise. You may not notice it, but stress is really something that gets those fats to pop up. It causes our body to secrete cortisol, which causes the liver to release extra sugar that is not needed by our body. Stress also tends to make us eat more. On the other hand, lack of exercise lowers the body's metabolism. This is where most of us fall and we easy plunge into these perils.

Thyroid disorders and genes factor into a person's belly weight as well. They could turn out to be your greatest enemy if you fall under this category. The thyroids enzymes are the enzymes are the big impacts since like a cruise control and aslo it keep our body's metabolism running in the right speeds. It's the same with hereditary factors.

It doesn't matter what causes it. You still have a hope. So, here you have some tips to get rid of that belly fat.

Perhaps the very first thing that you should address is the way you eat. You should cut down processed foods, fast foods, and junk foods because they have very high caloric contents. Minimize the use of fatty ingredients such as oil, butter, margarine, and cream. Instead, you should get into fresh fruits and home cooked meals that contain fiber, lean fat, protein, and whole grain range of products.

For regular exercise to be effective it does not need to be difficult but steady and routine. It is important to start an exercise program gradually rather than overwork yourself from the get go. You can play tennis or swim to substitute.

Most important you will find that lifestyle changes will help you a lot. Cut down on alcoholic beverages most especially beers. It is also important to take some time to wind up. Everyone needs some relaxation in their life.

But we shouldn't be drastic about getting results overnight eventhough we may be living in a fast paced world. These things do take time. But it is well worth the effort.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Eight Simple Secrets of Fast Weight Loss

By Ricardo d Argence

Before you start your weight loss marathon, take time to consider how long it took to put the weight on. It would be amazing to push a button and have the weight melt off in a matter of weeks, but that is not only, not practical, it is not safe. Be that as it may, there are some practical things that you can do to start shedding the pounds more quickly than you may have thought.

Although this may sound a bit far fetched, please hear me out. Reduce as much stress as possible by meditating, resting, reading, taking time for yourself, or whatever works to help reduce your sensation of stress. When we are stressed, our bodies naturally slow down the metabolism function because historically food scarcity has been known to cause stress.

While it is recommended to eat constantly throughout the day, junk food needs to be avoided. At a minimum each day, you should eat six small meals, spaced regularly. This will fool your body into believing that the next meal is running on schedule and thereby metabolizing the last meal resulting into faster metabolism.

Proper absorption and digestion of food is inhibited because human bodies contain toxins, fecal matter, and other unnecessary junk. To quickly reduce your weight, give yourself more energy and a healthier physical appearance, try a complete body cleanse.

With almost absolute certainty, I can say that you are not drinking enough water. Do you know how much you should be drinking? Let's say that you are 180 pounds, so, you should be drinking at minimum 90 ounces of water daily. The formula for the amount you drink is divide your weight in pounds by two and that's the number in ounces of water you should drink every day. Note: tap water is not an option. The best choice is to drink water filtered through reverse osmosis alternately with distilled water. If you can't stand the taste of water, then add fresh squeezed lemons, but no sugar or sugar substitutes.

A brisk walk for thirty minutes to start with will do wonders for your weight, eventhough it is idealy,engaging in forty-five to sixty minutes of aerobic exercise is ideal.

It is difficult for most people to eat a balanced diet. What we need to so add supplements to your diet and it wouls be hard to eat enought food to give us. Be careful to not be tempted to get them from Wal-Mart or a chain vitamin outlet like GNC. You can go to a natural health food store and ask a knowledgeable clerk for recommendations if you want results.

One of the best ways to promote a diet is to tell everyone the success that you are having. Don't wait until you have results. Just say it. Never talk talk to yourself about any negative self image you may have, or even your fear of failure, but talk about the success you are experiencing and/or hope to find. Bottom line: If you can BELIEVE IT, you can ACHIEVE IT!

Figure out how much weight you need to lose for optimal health. Then find a child that is about that same weight and walk for five minutes with that child in your arms. If you can't find a child, fill up a gym bag with books until it weighs the same amount that you want to lose. You will be so relieved to finally put it down that you will feel amazing, just think of how you feel when you lose that much of you!

So many areas of your life being overweight is bead for you. The biggest concern regarding your weight is your health, but it can also leed to relationship problems, as well as social and psychological problems. Don't you deserve better than that?

Muscle Building Supplements and Vitamin C

By Ricardo d Argence

For a person to have a healthy life, he has to follow a proper balanced diet and have to follow a proper rotein of exercise. Good nutrition is crucial for healthy living. If you develop healthy eating habits you will have a better chance of remaining healthy for years to come.

But today, due to our busy schedules and negative eating habits, many of us suffer from several vitamin deficiencies that can lead to negative health conditions. However, there is a way to correct this problem, there are many supplements that can play an important role in preventing vitamin deficiencies.

Vitamin C, also knows as Abscorbic acid, is a vitamin that is necessary in order to maintain good health. Oxidative stress, which is caused by intense body building and workout routines, is reduced by Vitamin C. Many animals produce their own vitamin C but unfortunately, primates and humans are unable to manufacture it. Your diet should be rich in Vitamin C in order to meet your minimum requirements.

There are many positive benefits of Vitamin C, such as the protection of cells it also helps your body to absorb iron more efficiently from the foods you consume. Vitamin C is also considered capable of fighting common cold. This even aids in the process of collagen formation, which is a factor in many things including veins, teeth, bones, muscles, cartialge, and capillaries.

In simple terms, you must have Vitamin C to maintain your body and keep it in excellent working condition. Healthy bones, a strong body and well-maintained musculature are the things you can accomplish by taking a natural bodybuilding supplement, Vitamin C.

Vitamin C can be found in many citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruits. Food items like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, peppers, kiwi fruit, sweet potatoes etc. are good sources of Vitamin C as well. In order to get enough Vitamin C in your diet each day, you should include these types of food.

Vitamin C can also improve your exercise routine. Vitamin C supplements help to boost your ability to prevent sickness, and can reduce the length of time that you are sick. Vitamin C is known to suppress a type of hormone called 'cortisol', which has been shown to encourage the body to build fat and to inhibit muscle growth. You can take Vitamin C on a regular daily basis since it is water-soluble and will not build up in your system.

To realize the most benefit, it is suggested that you take 1000mg of Vitamin C an hour ahead of exercising. By doing this at the end of every workout your body will recover quicker and you will reduce your muscle soreness.

No other vitamin has such benefits on the body as Vitamin C. There are many different kinds of Vitamin C supplements available on the market, and all of them are efficient forms of Vitamin C. If you have a passion for bodybuilding or if you exercise on a regular basis, Vitamin C supplements can help you in your journey towards a fitter and healthier body.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wine Tasting 101: Learning the Art of Wine Tasting

By KC Kudra

Wine tasting and attending a wine tasting party, contrary to popular belief, does not involve a lot of sipping, swishing and swallowing. While there is a definite art to wine tasting and many different wine-tasting forms, the popular theory of sipping and the like could not be farther from reality. It does, however, take years of practice to master the technique.

The art of wine tasting is used to distinguish fine wines and relies on a trained palate, often acquired over many years. If stored properly and aged correctly, wine can be an exquisite experience.

Wine tasting is totally dependent upon our sense of smell with more than 3/4 of the impact on our senses tied to the smell prior to even beginning to taste it. Most wine lovers will retell the experiencing of a fine wine and speak more of the wonderful aroma and then the taste. After the smell, it becomes the personal preference of the wine taster.

Proper wine tasting is initiated with the swishing that is most familiar to novices. The purpose of this activity is to circulate the taste of the wine by moving it between the front and back areas of the mouth in order to reach the taste buds contained in the tongue.

Taste buds do not necessarily have a noted taste factor, but they are capable of properly identifying food and beverages that are sweet, salty, and bitter with no problems at all. Therefore, the process of swishing is more about giving the senses an opportunity to extract the aromatic flavors in the wine being tested.

With even a basic understanding of the swishing technique, its purpose and the dispelling of long held myths, wine tasting will wind up looking less like something silly and more like a talent and skill that is part of the whole wine making process. Wine aficionados will be able to tell if the wine cellar designs and the features of a wine cellar have served their purpose or fallen short. All of this will be reflected in the end product.

When the wine is poured, it should be ideally poured into a crystal, clear glass so that the first step - observation - can take place. With the sample in hand, this step should not be rushed and instead, it should be slow, deliberate and the moment, appreciated. White wines, in spite of their name, are actually not completely white ranging in color from golden, pale brown to a slightly tinged shade of green. Red wine, on the other hand, is usually darker with a pink hue that leans toward a darker brown color.

The second step is closely observing the smell of the wine that is actually accomplished in a two-step fashion. First, you should take a brief whiff of the wine to get a general idea of what you are dealing with. Next, you will take an extended, deep drawn in smell in order take in the full aroma of the beverage.

Wine experts will usually let the aroma waft over them as they reflect on the total experience of the wine up to that point.

After letting it come fully into their consciousness, a wine taster will then take a sip, swish it around to activate all of the taste buds to ascertain the wine and savor it fully prior to swallowing. This method allows all senses to be engaged in the process of taking in the wine, figuring the quality of it. This allows wine growers to figure out if their grapes, distillation process, and procedures used to store it in a wine cellar or storage unit was sufficient to produce a fine quality wine.

As it is with any skill, practice is part of the overall wine tasting methodology. While wine tasting is considered a skill that can be learned, wine experts will tell you that it is really more of an art.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gynecomastia Drugs and What They Do

By Anthony J. Howell

If you are one of the thousands of men suffering from gynecomastia then you probably want to know if there any gynecomastia drugs on the market to treat the condition. Before I answer that question, let me backtrack a bit. Some of you reading this article may be unfamiliar with the term gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is the medical terminology for enlarged male breasts or chest fat. Extra breast tissue as well as excess fatty cells are usually the causes for enlarged male breasts. I will be discussing gynecomastia drugs in this article.

One very popular way to treat gynecomastia is surgery. During surgery, liposuction as well as breast tissue excision is performed. Most people ask about an alternative to surgery, because surgery is expensive and it is always very painful. Surgery has the potential to cost thousands of dollars and it is not covered by insurance.

So, do gynecomastia drugs exist that can be used instead of surgery?

The answer: No and Yes

I will start by explaining why I answered no first. The initial is answer is no, because there are no drugs on the market today that were developed for the purpose of treating gynecomastia sufferers. On the other hand, there is a drug called tamoxifen that has been used successfully for breast cancer treatment in women. Here is the kicker. Medical researchers found that tamoxifen can also be used to treat gynecomastia. Let me give you a brief overview of tamoxifen. The drug works by limiting the effects of estrogen in the body. The less estrogen in your body is the higher the relative amount of testosterone will be in your body. This will help your gynecomastia. The bad news is that it may be hard to get your doctor to prescribe tamoxifen, since the drug was not developed to cure gynecomastia.

Tamoxifen is a catch 22 unfortunately. It is used to treat breast cancer in women, but it is also a carcinogen which means it can cause breast cancer in men. Tamoxifen works by limiting the effects of estrogen in the body. Since extra estrogen in the body causes gynecomastia, tamoxifen will help it.

Natural supplements can be used as an alternative to surgery and gynecomastia drugs. Fortunately for gynecomastia sufferers, several supplements exist on the market today to treat the condition. Green tea, chromium picolinate and B vitamins are just some of the ingredients contained in these supplements that are known to help gynecomastia. The awesome part about these gynecomastia supplements is that you do not need a prescription.

So there it is. I have provided you with information about gynecomastia drugs in this article. If I were you, I would absorb the information in this article and then take action. If you would like to learn more about other gynecomastia treatment options, please visit the site below.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cat Allergies - What To Do!

By Dorothy Medlum

A favorite pastime worldwide is owning and caring for pets. Many grow close to their pets and consider them a family member. Choosing a pet depends on many factors. Where are you going to live, how much space do you have available, what kind of climate do you have, and finally, what are your personal likes and personal preference.

Pets range from many different animals. While some may choose a snake, rabbit, bird or lizard, many prefer the more common pets: dogs and cats.

Due to cat allergies, many who would like to have a cat cannot and do not. Cat allergies can range from mild to severe, so it is most important to take special precaution when being around these particular pets.

Coping with Cat Allergies

Up to 40 % of people who suffer from asthma also have some cat allergies and are more sensitive to these pets than they are to dogs. A protein in the cat skin and saliva is the element that creates the problem.

A protein found in the cat's skin and saliva is the major problem for this allergy. When the cat licks his fun to clean himself, he deposits this protein onto his fur. Therefore this causes the reaction in sensitive people.

While there are no cats known to be hypoallergenic, male cats cause more allergic reactions than there female counterparts due to the testosterone increase in the cat's glands. The cat allergen is found primarily in homes of cats.

Male cats cause more allergic reactions than female cats due to the testosterone increasing in the cat's glands. This in turn increases the amount of protein. Cat allergens are found mostly in homes where the cats live. This has however also been found in offices and places where animals are not allowed. It is quite sticky and is transmitted by people getting it on their clothing and carrying it from place to place. The protein particles causing cat allergies remain in the air for long periods of time, and those who are sensitive are more likely to have an allergic reaction when entering a room where there are multiple cats.

Wheezing is the most common allergy symptom of cat allergies. This begins immediately upon entering a room with cats. Some symptoms are delayed reactions that can linger for a number of weeks. For those who are continually exposed, chronic asthma can be an ongoing problem. Hives and atopic eczema can also be symptoms of cat allergies. It is best to stay on the safe side, and avoid contact with these animals.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Find Out How Vegetarians and Vegans Can Eat For Muscle Building!

By Caleb Lee

My article earlier on eating clean sketches out simple nutrition guidelines for you. Nonetheless, I received an email from a vegetarian wanting some tips.

Protein is certainly one of the most essential "macro nutrients" you need to build muscle and to help you pull through from your strength training. Nearly all experts suggest no less than 1g per pound of bodyweight each day.

However, most of the advice for getting protein includes eating stuff vegetarians and vegans can't - if that describes you, read this article for muscle building nutrition advice for vegetarians and vegans

In What Manner Do Vegetarians & Vegans Eat?

The majority eat loads of vegetables, legumes, fruits, tofu and soy. Selected classes consume eggs & dairy as well. But never animal flesh of any kind (meat, fish or poultry).

* Lacto-ovo Vegetarians. Consumes dairy and egg products, but does not eat beef, pork, poultry, fish, shellfish or animal flesh of any kind.

* Lacto Vegetarians. No eggs as well as animal flesh. Consumes dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, and cream.

* Ovo Vegetarians. Eat eggs but not meat or dairy products.

* Vegans. Does not eat any animal products or byproducts.

Problems You'll Run Into With Vegeterianism & Veganism.

Vegetables and fruits are good for fiber, vitamins and minerals. Green vegetables are also good because they raise your alkalinity levels and counteract acidic foods like meat. Here's a few "problems" you'll run into eating like this though:

* Allergic reactions - if all you eat is dairy and eggs you for protein, then you can run into lactose intolerance, acne, or other allergic reactions from all the dairy food

* Low Testosterone - meats, eggs, and dairy have saturated fat and cholesterol which increase testosterone. If your T levels are low you'll have less muscle, less strength, less energy, lagging libido, higher body fat, and less of an "ambition"

High-quality Sources of Protein for Vegeterians & Vegans

If you're lacto and/or ovo it's easy. Just don't eat meat and follow my other eating clean rules to get your protein: eggs, milk, whey protein, cheese, etc. If you're vegan, there's some other sources of protein:

* Beans. Kidney, fava, winged, mungo, lima, black, garbanzo, hummus ...

* Legumes. Snow peas, chick pea, cow peas, peas, lentils ...

* Whole Grains. Breads, granola, quinoa, oats, brown rice ...

* Protein Powder. Soy protein, hemp protein, rice protein

* Milk. Soy milk, almond milk

* Soy. Soy cheese, deli-style soy meats, soy milk, soy beans, tofu ...

* Nuts. Cashew, peanuts, peanut butter, walnuts, almonds ...

* Seeds. Flax, hemp, pumpkin, sesame ...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Youth Basketball Coaching

By Gary Pearson

If you want to make a difference in the lives of young people, you should try coaching youth basketball. I did, and boy am I happy about the whole thing. There are many many places that will show you how to coach youth basketball, from charities to workshops to who knows what else.

Now that it's been a few months and we've worked out the kinks, we are loving it. Our 'kids' as we call them have become our second family. We both look forward to the weeknights when we coach, and can't wait for the next game to come. Win or lose, we are all having a great time.

Kids these days need distractions to keep them from getting into trouble. Organized sports help kids stay off drugs, away from gangs, and in school. This is an amazing result for just shooting a few hoops. Every once in a while you may find yourself in the presence of true talent and you can consider yourself the one who helped it be discovered. Your influence actually helps these kids have safer lives and better futures.

Thinking about all the positive influence you could have, why don't you coach youth basketball? There's no reason why you couldn't. Help make a difference in a bunch of kids' lives while getting you out of the house. Make the neighborhood a better place by single-handedly reducing drug usage and crime.

I did not know much about youth basketball coaching when I first got into it. I did not even have any training. I had to watch youth basketball coaching videos, and hustle to prepare for my first day as a coach. But boy was it worth it. I crammed in all of those coaching aids, and soon I was directing the team like a pro. Now that I am good at youth basketball coaching, I'll tell you a secret. With youth basketball coaching, it does not matter where you start, as long as you persist.

7 Herbs That Usually Used in Stop Smoking

By John K Lam

There are several herbs with a traditional reputation for helping people quit smoking. These herbs exert varying effects that will ease the process of smoking cessation. Most of them can be found in dried bulk, capsule, or liquid extract form. Follow the directions on the label for use as one of the ways quit smoking.

The following herbs are the most common herbs that use as stop smoking aids:

Lobelia - which is a very powerful herb that helps to calm the mind and relax the body. It has helped many people to control their cravings for nicotine. Lobelia is also reputed to have the effect of making cigarettes taste very bad.

St. John's wort - one of the best known herbs for promoting a positive mental attitude-something people often need help with during the early phases of becoming a non-smoker.

Black Cohosh - which is usually used by women to stay hormones balanced during their monthly cycle. However it can be used as a safe sedative which relieves nervousness and anxiety that make it useful for the restlessness, irritability and nervousness associated with quitting smoking.

Blue Vervain - which usually known as a natural tranquilizer and as such it can be used to calm the nerves. Sometimes, it used for treating insomnia.

Catnip - which has a soothing and relaxing effect on the digestive system and helps to relieve diarrhea, flatulence, indigestion, upset stomach and headache. Catnip also has antispasmodic properties that make it useful for abdominal cramps as well as chronic coughing. Catnip is also good for alleviating sleeplessness. Catnip's antibiotic and astringent properties are also beneficial for treating colds and bronchial infections.

Hyssop - herb that has the ability to help with clearing mucus congestion in the lungs that associated with COPD. Studies have proven that it can alleviate the anxiety and even hysteria that is sometimes associated with smoking withdrawal.

Korean Ginseng - which is used for stimulating energy and helping the body to deal with stress. Like others, this property enables ginseng to help alleviate the anxiety and fatigue that related to quitting smoking. Ginseng can help to reestablish balance in the body's systems by adjusting their bodies to the absence of nicotine.

Each of the stop smoking herbs listed above play an integral role during your quit smoking process. Although they can be purchased individually, there are some stop smoking herbs have been created to complement each other and together they provide the maximum benefit during nicotine withdrawal.

Monday, November 3, 2008

How to Build Muscles, The Best Way to Get Six Pack Abs

By Ricardo d Argence

Infomercials are to be seen if you watch television late at night. A good portion of those are probably promoting ab related products. You will encounter equipment, drugs, fad diets and exercize regimens that guarantee to provide you the perfect set of abs. There are a lot of other theories floating around, but none of them are guaranteed to work.

People move on to the next breakthrough invention once the vast majority of fads do not last very long and are exposed for not working as they say. Is there a way to get flat abs if these fail?

Honestly, the most effective way to obtain a six pack abs is by using a time tested technique. Truly, the only way to reach this goal is through healthy diet and exercise. There really aren't any legitimate shortcuts to getting the body of your dreams. Any method which can reduce your weight significantly in a very short time is not going to give you the same result for a long time.

Now that we know you're going to have to exercise, what types of exercises should you do? Should you just get on the ground and start doing thousands of crunches? Will this give you the six pack of your dreams? Actually it won't do much at first. Your ab muscles are probably covered up by a layer of fat. This means that if you want to see those abs, you have to get rid of the fat first. So how do you get rid of the fat?

Most people believe that they should get on the treadmill and do hours of cardio. However, this is a common misconception as well. The best way to burn fat quickly is through the use of interval training and weight training. Weight training burns calories while you work out, but it also helps you burn calories when you are resting as well.

Once you develop your muscles, they will act like incinerators that continuously burn calories in order to keep themselves going. This will help to burn much more fat in a very short time. Weight training, jogging and running are great methods to improve your fitness.

You should eat healthier in addition to doing the right exercises. You won't be successful in life if you don't stand up and do your duty. Getting different results in your life requires you to take different actions. You need to change what you're eating to obtain a six pack. You should eat foods which are healthy and drink a whole bunch of water. If you eat good food, that is going to return great results for you.

Overall, obtaining a six pack is very achievable. Just don't expect it to be easy, you're not going to wake up tomorrow with a six pack. This can be a lengthy process, depending on how much fat you have to lose, just know that it can be done if you stick with it.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

How to Get a Rounder and Sexier Butt

By Ricardo d Argence

Who doesn't want a sexier and firmer butt? All of us desire that perfectly toned gluteus, and the key to rear end success would be to follow a proper exercise routine accompanied by a healthy diet plan. In today's busy world, none of us have the time to spare, but for that perfect body and head turning results you would need to sweat it out on regular basis even if it is just for a couple of minutes.

So, if you are looking for the best way to get that perfect toned gluteus and become the envy of all your friends, look no further as in this article we provide you with effective solutions. There are a few great exercises that can help you get a firmer, rounder, and sexier rear-end without the need to step out of the house. Here below are the best butt exercises that can prove to be successful.

Quadrupled hip extensions target the gluteus maximus as their extensions work extremely well. This particular exercise allows you to contract the gluteus muscles. If you need to increase the intensity, you can add weights to the ankles.

There are several different types of lunges, pick the one that best meets your individual needs. The most common and most basic of all lunges is the drop knee version but it is also the most difficult one to do. Hand weights can also be used in this exercise to increase the intensity.

For the gluteus and hamstrings, you can try step-ups, but many people bedate if they do any help. For this exercise to be as effective as possible, you will need to use a plantform that is high enough, one that is preferably 15 inches to work and activate the muscle fibers. To add intensity to the exercise, you can hold dumbbells.

Both the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus are used when doing a squat which makes it a good exercise. Squats are also good for the hips and the thighs. If you need back support you can use of a ball that can help you get the perfect position without it hurting your knees.

Multi-hip extensions will target the gluteus maximus and the medius along with the hamstrings. It is best to have a professional assist you, because this machine can be a little tricky.

One legged squats help activate the gluteus maximus and medius. Similar to lunges, there are several ways in which you can perform one-legged squats. So go for one that you can tolerate if not like. If you need more intensity, choose a version that gives a higher range of motion and is more challenging.

These above mentioned exercises can surely help you get that head turning rear-end you have always wanted. Remember to start slow and increase intensity with time, plan an exercise routine keeping in mind your fitness goals and capabilities. If you work out every day for about half an hour, you will no doubt have the sexier and rounder butt in no time.

When trying to tone your body and loose weight, exercise is not all there is to it. You also need to eat correctly and maintain workouts, combining these 2 things will help you be more successful. Do you want that perfect round, toned behind; one that only Michael Angelo's David could compare to, then go put your shoes on and start your workout now.